Thursday, May 21, 2009

Istanbul's Choice

At first, I will be completely honest, I was not look forward to reading this paper/article. See I'm not much a reader and the reading was a bit on the long side.

After procrastinating a bit, I got myself to start reading it and was not very pleased. I am not the most intellectual of the bunch if you get what I mean. I was sitting reading and wondering what am I supposed to be reflecting on. And then out of now where I was hit with a suprise.

This surprise was the last sentence of the reading. It goes "Above all, we have to hope for a new politics of openness."

Universal Words. Very applicable almost everywhere around the world. It made me wonder; we (The USA) are known for our democracy; our humainty; and our openness. But are those comparasions accurate.

If I turn on FOX NEWS right now I will see everything but fair and balanced journalism. I will see so called objective journalists talking down the President of the United States.

If I switch the channel to MSNBC I will see the very same thing; except the target of the talking down to are those who identify themselves with the right wing conservative America.

How can we in any way be considered mature, open, and democratic if we, as a country, not just just any country, but The Super Power, the "model nation" still do not have politics of openess of which we preach.

Its probably selfish of me to reflect upon our country when we are studying Germany but this article made me "hope for a new politics of openess."

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